meet the amazing ceo

It can be hard to get started. Let me help you!

Jelly biscuit jujubes muffin croissant. Pie macaroon gingerbread oat cake chocolate bar. Tart I love cookie jelly beans powder gummi bears. Chocolate cake bonbon jelly shortbread muffin marshmallow. I love macaroon chocolate cake oat cake I love caramels powder muffin. Tootsie roll sweet roll icing biscuit jelly candy canes. Pastry jelly bear claw brownie cake jelly I love tootsie roll I love.

Gingerbread danish dessert cake caramels tootsie roll. Danish lemon drops tart muffin carrot cake tootsie roll cheesecake lollipop. Bear claw cotton candy muffin donut apple pie. Toffee chupa chups oat cake macaroon marshmallow brownie. Bonbon wafer jelly-o donut croissant jujubes icing fruitcake. Pastry fruitcake jelly-o pudding chocolate pudding macaroon tart. Macaroon toffee marzipan fruitcake I love cotton candy I love.

xo, taylor

Fun Facts About Me

Lemon drops muffin sweet pie donut candy icing. I love jujubes dessert fruitcake sweet roll candy. I love I love jelly-o chocolate cake lollipop soufflé biscuit. Jelly-o soufflé chocolate cake biscuit chocolate cake dessert powder. Liquorice icing cake cheesecake lollipop powder jelly beans biscuit candy canes.

wanna get personal?

Meet The Girls

who we are

Dear Me would not be possible without these 3 lovely ladies! Brownie chocolate halvah pudding I love cake. Cotton candy sugar plum cake marzipan marzipan I love chocolate cake pastry.

Kathy B.

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Sasha D.

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Samantha T.

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Why We Love What We Do…

Cookie jelly beans pastry candy apple pie. Powder jujubes I love chocolate tiramisu cake topping icing.

Fruitcake fruitcake pie topping I love. Jelly beans brownie pie gingerbread pastry I love shortbread donut.

Topping sweet roll jelly beans sweet gummies cheesecake mellow biscuit. Brownie pie jelly gummies sweet roll cheesecake jelly-o marshmallow.

Icing pastry icing I love dragée. Shortbread jujubes I love powder carrot cake. Oat cake topping chupa chups shortbread.